
Luke 12:15 - 21 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Bible Stories


1. God Creates Everything

2. God Creates Adam and Eve

3. Adam and Eve Tempted

4. Cain Kills Abel

5. Noah Builds Ark

6. Great Flood

7. Tower of Babel

8. Job Loses Everything

9. God Gives Job Good Gifts

10. Abraham Moves to New Lands

11. Abraham and Sarah Visit Egypt

12. Lot Leaves Abraham

13. Abraham Rescues Lot

14. God Makes a Promise to Abraham

15. Sarah is Jealous

16. Angels Visit Abraham

17. Abraham Bargains for Sodom

18. God's Fire Destroys Sodom

19. Abraham Deceives Abimelech

20. Isaac is Born

21. Abraham Sends Hagar Away

22. Abraham Offers Isaac

23. Sarah Dies

24. Isaac Finds His Bride

25. Esau and Jacob Are Born

26. Esau Sells His Birthright

27. Isaac Deceives Abimelech

28. Isaac Gives Up His Wells

29. Jacob Tricks Isaac

30. Jacob's Ladder

31. Jacob Meets Rachel

32. Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

33. Jacob's Children

34. Jacob Works for Laban

35. Jacob Runs Away

36. Jacob Wrestles An Angel

37. Jacob Meets Esau

38. Rachel Dies

39. Joseph's Brothers Sell Him

40. Potiphar Buys Joseph

41. The Butler and the Baker

42. Joseph Becomes Ruler

43. Joseph's Brothers Buy Grain

44. Joseph's Brothers Return to Egypt

45. Joseph Tells His Secret

46. Jacob Moves to Egypt

47. Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons

48. Jacob Blesses His Sons

49. Jacob Dies

50. Joseph is Kind to His Brothers and Dies

51. Moses is Born and Adopted

52. The Hebrews Become Slaves

53. Moses Runs Away

54. Moses Meets Jethro's Daughters

55. The Burning Bush

56. Bricks Without Straw

57. Moses' Rod Becomes a Snake and Other Miracles

58. The Great Plague and the Passover

59. The Exodus

60. Pillars of Cloud and Fire

61. Crossing the Red Sea

62. Bitter Waters at Marah

63. Manna and Quail

64. Moses Strikes a Rock

65. Aaron and Hur Help Moses

66. Jethro Helps Moses

67. The Israelites Reach Mt. Sinai

68. The Ten Commandments

69. The Golden Calf

70. Moses Talks with God

71. Gifts for the Tabernacle

72. The Tabernacle is Built

73. Aaron's Sons Are Burned

74. Israelites Leave Mt. Sinai

75. Seventy New Leaders

76. Miriam Gets Leprosy

77. The Twelve Spies

78. Forty Years in the Wilderness

79. Korah Rebels

80. Aaron's Rod Buds

81. Moses Disobeys God

82. Edom Says No

83. The Bronze Snake

84. Balak Sends for Balaam

85. Balaam Will Not Curse Israel

86. Joshua Becomes Israel's New Leader

87. Moses Dies

88. The Israelites Enter Canaan

89. Spies Visit Rahab

90. Crossing the Jordan River

91. Captain of the Lord's Army

92. Battle for Jericho

93. Achan's Sin Brings Defeat

94. Battle for Ai

95. Gibeonites Trick Joshua

96. Sun Stands Still

97. Conquering the Promised Land

98. Ehud Defeats Moab

99. Deborah and Barak

100. Gideon Leads Israel

101. Gideon's Army of 300

102. Jephthah's Foolish Vow

103. Samson is Born

104. Samson Gets Married

105. Samson Fights Philistines

106. Samson's Foolish Choices

107. Samson Pulls Down a Temple

108. Ruth Goes Home with Naomi

109. Ruth Gleans in Fields

110. Ruth Marries Boaz

111. Samuel is Born and Given to God

112. God Speaks to Samuel

113. Philistines Capture Ark

114. Philistines Are Punished

115. Philistines Return Ark

116. God Sends Thunder

117. Saul Becomes King

118. Saul Defeats Ammonites

119. Saul's Foolish Mistake

120. Jonathan's Brave Fight

121. Saul's Foolish Vow

122. Saul Defeats Amalek

123. Samuel Anoints David

124. David Plays for Saul

125. David Fights Goliath

126. David and Jonathan Become Friends

127. Saul is Jealous of David

128. Saul Tries to Kill David

129. Jonathan Warns David

130. David Hides from Saul

131. Saul Kills Priests

132. David and Jonathan Renew Friendship

133. Ziphites Betray David

134. David Refuses to Hurt Saul

135. Abigail Stops a Fight

136. David Visits Saul's Camp at Night

137. David Lives with Philistines

138. Saul Visits Witch of Endor

139. David Leaves Philistines

140. Saul Dies in Battle

141. David Learns of Saul's Death

142. David Becomes King of Judah

143. David Becomes King of All Israel

144. David Captures Jerusalem

145. A Battle with Philistines

146. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem

147. David Plans Temple

148. David is Kind to Mephibosheth

149. A King Shames David's Men

150. David and Bathsheba

151. Absalom Rebels

152. Shimei Insults David

153. Absalom Chooses His Helpers

154. Absalom is Defeated

155. David's Men Bring Water from Bethlehem

156. David Buys a Threshing Floor

157. David and Solomon Plan Temple

158. Solomon Becomes King

159. Solomon Asks for Wisdom

160. Solomon Shows Wisdom

161. Solomon Builds Temple

162. Temple is Dedicated

163. Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon

164. Solomon Turns from God

165. Ahijah Warns That Kingdom Will Divide

166. The Kingdom Divides

167. Jeroboam Makes Two Golden Calves

168. Ahab Marries Jezebel

169. Ravens Feed Elijah

170. Elijah Helps a Widow of Zarephath

171. Elijah Defeats Prophets of Baal

172. Elijah Listens to a Quiet Voice

173. Elijah Gives His Mantle to Elisha

174. Ahab Steals Naboth's Vineyard

175. Micaiah's Prophecy

176. Elijah Goes Away in a Whirlwind

177. Elisha Helps a Poor Widow

178. A Room for Elisha

179. Elisha Raises a Dead Boy

180. Naaman is Healed

181. Elisha's Greedy Servant

182. A Servant Sees An Angel Army

183. Blind Syrians

184. Four Lepers Visit Enemy Camp

185. Jehu is Anointed

186. Joash the Boy King

187. Joash Repairs Temple

188. A Great Fish Swallows Jonah

189. Jonah Preaches at Nineveh

190. God Calls Isaiah

191. King Uzziah's Leprosy

192. Israel Into Captivity

193. Angel Destroys Assyrian Army

194. Hezekiah Gets Well

195. Book of the Law is Found and Read

196. God Calls Jeremiah

197. Daniel Refuses to Eat the King's Food

198. Daniel Interprets Dream for King Nebuchadnezzar; Daniel is Promoted

199. King Jehoiakim Burns Jeremiah's

200. Ebed-Melech Rescues Jeremiah

201. Judah Falls, Jerusalem Destroyed

202. The Fiery Furnace

203. Handwriting on the Wall

204. Daniel in the Lion's Den

205. People Return Home

206. A New Temple

207. Trouble in the Palace

208. Esther Becomes Queen

209. Mordecai Discovers Treason

210. Haman Tricks the King

211. Queen Esther Defeats Haman

212. Ezra Goes to Jerusalem

213. Nehemiah Begs to Go Home

214. Nehemiah Visits Walls at Night

215. Nehemiah Builds Walls

216. Nehemiah Finishes Walls

217. Ezra Reads Law

218. An Angel Tells About John's Birth

219. An Angel Tells About Jesus' Birth

220. Mary Visits Elizabeth

221. John the Baptist is Born

222. An Angel Talks with Joseph

223. Jesus is Born

224. Angels Appear to Shepherds

225. Simeon and Anna

226. Wise Men Visit Jesus

227. Mary and Joseph Take Jesus to Egypt

228. The Boy Jesus at Nazareth

229. Jesus Teaches the Teachers

230. John the Baptist Preaches

231. Jesus is Baptized

232. Jesus is Tempted

233. Jesus Makes His First Disciples

234. Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

235. Jesus Chases Bad Men from the Temple

236. Jesus Talks with Nicodemus

237. Jesus Talks with a Woman at a Well

238. Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son

239. Jesus Preaches at the Nazareth Synagogue

240. Catching Fish with Jesus

241. Jesus Calls Four Disciples

242. Jesus Teaches in the Capernaum Synagogue

243. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law

244. Jesus Teaches and Heals in Galilee

245. Jesus Heals a Leper

246. Man Through the Roof!

247. Jesus Calls Matthew

248. Jesus Heals a Sick Man at the Pool of Bethesda

249. Jesus' Disciples Pick Grain on Sabbath

250. Jesus Heals a Man with a Withered Hand

251. Jesus Chooses Twelve Disciples

252. Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant

253. Jesus Raises a Widow's Son

254. John Asks Jesus If He is the Messiah

255. A Woman Anoints Jesus' Feet

256. Jesus Teaches Parables from a Boat

257. Jesus Stills a Storm

258. Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

259. Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter

260. Jesus Sends His Disciples Two by Two

261. John the Baptist is Killed

262. Jesus Feeds 5000

263. Jesus Walks on the Water

264. Jesus Heals Sick People at Gennesaret

265. Jesus Helps a Foreign Woman

266. Jesus Heals a Man Who is Deaf and Dumb

267. Jesus Feeds 4000

268. Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida

269. Peter Tells Who Jesus is

270. The Transfiguration

271. The Disciples Cannot Heal a Boy with Demons

272. Peter Finds Tax Money in a Fish

273. Who Will Be the Greatest?

274. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

275. Jesus the Good Shepherd

276. Jesus Sends Seventy Helpers

277. Jesus Visits Mary and Martha

278. Jesus Teaches His Disciples How to Pray

279. Jesus Heals a Woman on the Sabbath

280. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

281. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

282. Jesus and the Children

283. Jesus and the Rich Young Man

284. James and John Want to Sit at Jesus' Right Hand

285. Blind Bartimaeus is Healed

286. Jesus Gives Zacchaeus a New Life

287. The Triumphal Entry

288. Jesus Teaches in the Temple

289. Jesus Talks About Caesar and God

290. The Widow's Small Coin

291. Mary Anoints Jesus' Feet

292. Judas Bargains for Jesus

293. The Last Supper

294. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

295. Judas Betrays Jesus

296. Jesus is Taken Before the Rulers

297. Peter Denies That He Knows Jesus

298. Judas Hangs Himself

299. Jesus is Taken to Pilate

300. Jesus is Taken to Herod Antipas

301. Jesus Returns to Pilate

302. Roman Soldiers Beat Jesus

303. Way to the Cross

304. Jesus is Crucified

305. Jesus is Buried

306. Women Visit Jesus' Tomb

307. Peter and John Visit Jesus' Tomb

308. Mary Magdalene Visits Jesus' Tomb

309. Leaders Lie About Resurrection

310. Road to Emmaus

311. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

312. Catching Fish with Jesus' Help

313. Jesus Appears to 500 Disciples

314. Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

315. In the Upper Room, Matthias Chosen

316. Pentecost

317. Peter and John Heal a Lame Man

318. Peter and John Before the Leaders

319. Early Christians Work Together

320. Ananias and Sapphira

321. Apostles Heal the Sick

322. Apostles Thrown Into Prison, Advice of Gamaliel

323. Seven Deacons

324. Stephen is Stoned

325. Saul Persecutes the Christians

326. Philip Preaches at Samaria

327. Philip and the Ethiopian

328. Saul Meets Jesus

329. Saul Preaches in Damascus

330. Saul Escapes from a Window

331. Barnabas Helps Paul

332. Peter Heals Aeneas

333. Peter Raises Dorcas

334. Peter's Vision of Unclean Animals

335. Christians Start a New Church

336. Peter is Put Into Prison

337. Peter is Released from Prison

338. Herod Agrippa I Dies

339. Saul (Paul) Begins His First Missionary Journey

340. Bar-Jesus Tries to Keep the Governor from Believing

341. Some People Think Paul and Barnabas Are Gods

342. Paul and Barnabas Separate

343. Timothy is Paul's Helper

344. Paul Goes to Philippi

345. Paul and Silas Sing in Jail

346. Paul Visits Thessalonica and Berea

347. Paul Preaches on Mars Hill

348. Paul Works with Priscilla and Aquila

349. Gallio Frees Paul--Sosthenes Beaten

350. Paul Begins His Third Journey

351. Some Books of Evil Are Burned

352. The Silversmith Riot

353. Sleepy Eutychus

354. Agabus Tells About Trouble

355. Paul Returns to Jerusalem

356. Paul Arrested at the Temple--Romans Beat Paul

357. Paul's Nephew Warns Him

358. Paul Before Felix

359. Paul Before Festus

360. Paul Before Herod Agrippa II

361. Paul's Shipwreck

362. Paul on Malta

363. Paul at Rome

364. Onesimus the Runaway Slave--Paul Writes to Philemon

365. On Patmos, John Writes to Seven Churches

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