- Studies in Genesis 1-11
- Hebrews Series
- The Ten Lepers
- Life Cycle of Churches by Chuck Missler
- Templemount Site
- Christ in You: The Exchanged Life added 8/27/18.
- What is Worship? by Ray Stedman
- Testimony of William Strathman
- All of us Need to Repent
- Astronomical Eclipse Data and Israel's Feasts, Barry Setterfield.
- Bad Days by David Roper
- The Temple of Solomon (Class Dec. 9, 2012. MP3)
- Daniel Forum Class (July - November 2012)
- Realistic Expectations
- The Future of the Church
- Ephesians Forum Class (February - May 2012)
- Common Things
- The Beast and the False Prophet
- The Great Division Coming
- The Patriarch Job, Chalcolithic Ossuary Jars, and the Resurrection of the Body by Gordon Franz
- The Childhood of Jesus
- Could Man Become Extinct?
- "What is This Thing Called Love?"
- Prayer 101
- The Rapture is a Family Matter!
- The Rapture is a Big Deal!
- Get Ready! Stay Ready! Be Ready! (The Rapture)
- Christianity without Christ
- Daniel, Noah and Job
- Ussher Revisited
- Perilous Times
- Times of Stress
- Certain Inalienable Rights...
- Denial
- The State of the World and the End of the Age
- Notes on Repentance (revised)
- Discovering the Body of Christ
- Dangerous Times, by Ray C. Stedman
- Human Sexuality from a Biblical World View
- What it Means to be in Christ -- Part I
- What it Means to be in Christ -- Part II
- On Covetousness
- Where Does Money Come From?
- On the Central Question of Climate Sensitivity, by Lord Monckton of Brenchley (Global Warming)
- What Caused the Financial Meltdown, Essay by Robert J. Samuelson
- Demographics & Depression, by David P Goldman
- What is the Recession for? by John Piper
- Wandering and Wondering, by Preston D. Probasco
- Economic crisis: What actuality is going on? by Andre Delage
- Economic Crisis: As Christians, what are we to do? Answer: "REST", by Andre DeLage
- Let Us Pray
- Sex, Religion, and Money: Times are 'achanging
- The Meaning of Sodom...
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- The Ultimate Sign (Isaiah 7) by Gordon Franz
- The Day of Man and the Day of the Lord
- Personal Strongholds
- Calvinism vs. Arminianism (discussion)
- Every Man in his Room of Pictures (Ezekiel 8-11)
- Man's Lost Dominion
- The Seed of the Serpent
- Relax! The End is Near!
- The Worthless Shepherd
- Jesus Friend of Sinners
- Jesus the Shepherd King
- No King in the Land
- Nearing the End of the Age
- Discover--or Rediscover--The Exchanged Life
- Michael Krugjohn: Tributes to a Friend
- The Crucified One
- When Truth is Removed
- The Book of Job
- The Consequence Engine
- Capital Offenses
- On Understanding the Book of the Revelation
- Without Faith
- When Churches Run on Autopilot
- A Personal God
- Keeping Ready for the Return of the Lord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- Earthquakes and the Bible, by Lambert Dolphin
- Signs of the Time or Signs of the End of the Age? (The Olivet Discourse)
- On Lepers and Virgins
- Seasons of Stress in the World
- Job Openings for Domestic Servants
- The Just Nature of God, by Glenn Miller, Part 1
- The Just Nature of God, by Glenn Miller, Part 2
- Discipleship is not Seeker-Friendly
- Empty Religion or the Narrow Gate?
- God's Long Term Purpose for Israel
- No Such Thing as Chance
- "What the Bleep Do They Know!?" by Ryan Davidsen (review)
- Expository Teaching or Greek Oratory?
- Hey, Who Invited GOD to this Century? by Glenn Miller
- When God Leaves -- and Returns Again
- 12 Keys to Understanding Israel in the Bible, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- The Error of Replacement Theology, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- Israel, God's Lightning Rod, by Zola Levitt
- Zechariah's Eight Visions for Israel, by Clarence H. Wagner
- Premillennialism in the Old Testament, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
- Israel is the Key to World peace
- The New Testament Basis for the Restoration of Israel, Jan Willem van der Hoeven
- Revisiting the Haight-Ashbury
- Cultural Christianity
- How God Saves Us
- On Superficial Christian Books, by Lynn Berntson
- The Track Record of God's People
- Jesus, Judge of All
- Class notes and audio: Daniel to Malachi (updated weekly)
- Class notes on Ezekiel
- Class Notes on Romans
- The Role of Women in Ministry (Collected Papers)
- Class Notes on New Testament Prophecy
- The Prophet Jonah, by Richard E. Young
- Our Collapsing Civilization
- On Human Pride: Behemoth and Levithan, by Ray C. Stedman
- Pornography and the Church, by Larry E. Ball
- Sexual Politics and Moral Absolutes
- The Vacuum: Much Ado About Nothing
- On Seeing Jesus
- The language faculty: evolution, design, or?, by Prof. Fred Field
- Do I Need an Expert to Tell me What the Scriptures Mean? by Fred Field
- A Biblical Worldview: narrow is the gate, by Fred Field
- A Glorious Church...
- Christ in the Passover, by Curt Sewell
- Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross
- The Riches of Grace in Christ Jesus, by Lewis Sperry Chafer
- The Point of No Return, by Ray C. Stedman
- Love and Relationships: Song of Solomon
- God With Us, by Elaine Stedman
- Women in the Ministry (collected papers)
- Hosea and Israel's Future
- Perilous Times
- Itching Ears
- Is the Universe Static or Expanding? by Barry Setterfield (new 8/23/02)
- On Preaching and Teaching
- Dynamic or Static Salvation?
- Upheaval in Physics: History of the Light-Speed Debate, Helen Setterfield
- Isaiah 58: Paint or get off the Ladder (html) | MP3 message
- The New Covenant: Entering In
- Sacrifice Sunday (Old Covenant vs. New)
- The Great Example of King Jehoshaphat
- Jehoshaphat Defeats the Porn Kings
- Jesus is our Sabbath Rest, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Authority of the Word, by Ray C. Stedman
- Israel and the New Covenant, by Ray C. Stedman
- God's Land - God's People
- The Church in the Mirror: Critiquing the Modern Church (class notes)
- The Biblically Illiterate Church: "My People Perish"
- Matters of Death and Life
- Toppling Strongholds
- A New Creation (Colossians and Ephesians)
- There's a War On, Folks! (The Church and the Tribulation)
- The Return of the Landlord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- Corporate Prayer is Not an Option!
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Evangelism By All Means
- Iraq and the Bible, by Bryant G. Wood
- A Coming Mega Attack? by Emmanuel Winston
- The Center of the Bible (Powerpoint)
- September 11, 2001: America in the "Valley of Decision" by Gordon Franz
- September 11, 2001: A Joint in Time
- Ten Propositions Concerning War, by Ray C. Stedman
- God of Space and Time, by Ray C. Stedman (Isaiah 44-45)
- Lessons on Spiritual Warfare, by Ray C. Stedman
- On The Judgments of God in History, by Ray C. Stedman
- On Dying Wealthy
- Some Notes on Heaven
- Why A Timothy?
- The "Elements" of the World System
- Common Grace, by James Montgomery Boice
- Paint or get off the Ladder (Isaiah Chapter 58)
- Notes on Repentance
- The Meaning of Sodom and Gomorrah
- The Strongholds of Inner Space
- To my Muslim Friends, from Glenn Miller
- Understanding Muslims
- The Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations, by Prof. Moshe Sharon
- Revivng the Caliphate, by Prof. Moshe Sharon
- Comfort Within the Boundaries: Finding One's Voice Regarding Evil, Robert A. Pyne, Th.D. (linked)
- A Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology
- An Arab Moment of Truth: Which way the Islamist fantasy? by David Pryce-Jones
- What's Wrong With A Palestinian State, by Bret Stephens
- Will Islam Cause WWIII? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- The Search for Noah's Ark, a review by Gordon Franz, Bill Crouse, & Rex Geissler
- The Sinking of "The Lost Shipwreck of Paul," by Gordon Franz
- Archaeology with Ron Wyatt: A personal account, by Bernard Brandstater
- Mt. Sinai is not at Jebel El-Lawz in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Is Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Questions for Bob Cornuke from Gordon Franz
- Problems with Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Brad Sparks
- The Red Sea Crossing, analysis by Tom Pickett (linked)
- Did Edom's Original Boundaries Extend West of 'Wadi Arabah? by Bruce Crew
- Excavations at Nisya, Israel, by David Livingstone, PhD, (ABR)
- The Situation in the Middle East, by Thomas Ice
- The Silence of Adam or the Anguish of Adam?
- Breath of Fresh Air (Mars Hill Church Seattle)
- On Terrorism
- Certain Inalienable Rights...
- Stumbling Blocks and Millstones
- Jesus Courts a Bride
- On Spiritual Rebirth
- Brokeback Nation
- Love Your Enemies
- Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross
- One Flesh, One Soul, One Spirit
- The Under Rowers
- The First Begotten
- Jesus our Jubilee
- The LORD Who Heals
- Stumbling Stones on the Path to Wholeness
- The Consequence Engine
- Capital Offenses
- On Understanding the Book of the Revelation
- Without Faith
- When Churches Run on Autopilot
- A Personal God
- Keeping Ready for the Return of the Lord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- Earthquakes and the Bible, by Lambert Dolphin (updated)
- Signs of the Time or Signs of the End of the Age? (The Olivet Discourse)
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- On Lepers and Virgins
- Seasons of Stress in the World
- Discipleship is not Seeker-Friendly
- Empty Religion or the Narrow Gate?
- Living in the New Covenant, by Bert Hartmann
- God's Long Term Purpose for Israel
- No Such Thing as Chance
- Expository Teaching or Greek Oratory?
- The God Who Leaves -- and Returns Again
- Israel is the Key to World peace
- Revisiting the Haight-Ashbury
- Cultural Christianity
- How God Saves Us
- The Track Record of God's People
- Jesus, Judge of All
- On Seeing Jesus
- The Vacuum: Much Ado About Nothing
- Love and Relationships: Song of Solomon
- Hosea and Israel's Future
- Perilous Times
- Itching Ears
- Is the Universe Static or Expanding? by Barry Setterfield (new 8/23/02)
- On Preaching and Teaching
- Dynamic or Static Salvation?
- Our Collapsing Civilization
- Sexual Politics and Moral Absolutes
- A Glorious Church...
- On Superficial Christian Books, by Lynn Berntson
- Hey, Who Invited GOD to this Century? by Glenn Miller
- The Prophet Jonah, by Richard E. Young
- The Imperial Cult and the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Romans 1:3-4), by Gordon Franz
- The Slaughter of the Innocents -- Historical Fact or Legendary Fiction? by Gordon Franz
- John Mark: Always Playing Second Fiddle, by Gordon Franz
- That the World May Believe (John 17), by Gordon Franz
- Jewish Burial Practices...John 11, by Gordon Franz
- Let the Dead Bury Their Own Dead, by Gordon Franz
- Apollos: Eloquent And Mighty In The Scriptures, by Gordon Franz
- Barnabas: A Good Man, by Gordon Franz
- Ancient Harbors of the Sea of Galilee, by Gordon Franz
- The Demoniacs of Gadara, by Gordon Franz
- The Mystery of Godliness Hymn, by Gordon Franz
- The Angelic Proclamation to the Shepherds, by Gordon Franz
- The New Testament Basis for the Restoration of Israel, Jan Willem van der Hoeven
- On Human Pride: Behemoth and Levithan, by Ray C. Stedman
- Three Essays by Mark Pendleton
- Pornography and the Church, by Larry E. Ball
- Job Openings for Domestic Servants
- Two Great Papers on the Just Nature of God, by Glenn Miller The Just Nature of God, #1, The Just Nature of God, #2
- 12 Keys to Understanding Israel in the Bible, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- The Error of Replacement Theology, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- Israel, God's Lightning Rod, by Zola Levitt
- Zechariah's Eight Visions for Israel, by Clarence H. Wagner
- Premillennialism in the Old Testament, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
- The language faculty: evolution, design, or?, by Prof. Fred Field
- Do I Need an Expert to Tell me What the Scriptures Mean? by Fred Field
- A Biblical Worldview: narrow is the gate, by Fred Field
- Christ in the Passover, by Curt Sewell
- "What the Bleep Do They Know!?" by Ryan Davidsen (review)
- The Point of No Return, by Ray C. Stedman
- The End of Courtship, by Leon R. Kass
- God With Us, by Elaine Stedman
- Women in the Ministry (collected papers)
- Upheaval in Physics: History of the Light-Speed Debate, Helen Setterfield
- Isaiah 58: Paint or get off the Ladder (html) | MP3 message
- The New Covenant: Entering In
- Sacrifice Sunday (Old Covenant vs. New)
- The Great Example of King Jehoshaphat
- Jehoshaphat Defeats the Porn Kings
- September 11, 2001: A Joint in Time
- God's Land - God's People
- The Iraq War and such...
- The Church in the Mirror: Critiquing the Modern Church (class notes)
- The Biblically Illiterate Church: "My People Perish"
- Matters of Death and Life
- Toppling Strongholds
- A New Creation (Colossians and Ephesians)
- There's a War On, Folks! (The Church and the Tribulation)
- The Return of the Landlord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- Corporate Prayer is Not an Option!
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Evangelism By All Means
- Paint or get off the Ladder (Isaiah Chapter 58)
- Notes on Repentance
- The Meaning of Sodom and Gomorrah
- The Strongholds of Inner Space
- The Spin of War: The Other War, by Bill Crouse
- Iraq and the Bible, by Bryant G. Wood
- September 11, 2001: America in the "Valley of Decision" by Gordon Franz
- Ten Propositions Concerning War, by Ray C. Stedman
- God of Space and Time, by Ray C. Stedman (Isaiah 44-45)
- Lessons on Spiritual Warfare, by Ray C. Stedman
- On The Judgments of God in History, by Ray C. Stedman
- Jesus is our Sabbath Rest, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Authority of the Word, by Ray C. Stedman
- Israel and the New Covenant, by Ray C. Stedman
- On Dying Wealthy
- Some Notes on Heaven
- Why A Timothy?
- The "Elements" of the World System
- Common Grace, by James Montgomery Boice
- To my Muslim Friends, from Glenn Miller
- Understanding Muslims
- The Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations, by Prof. Moshe Sharon
- Comfort Within the Boundaries: Finding One's Voice Regarding Evil, Robert A. Pyne, Th.D. (linked)
- Attack on America: A Christian Perspective, Daniel B. Wallace (linked)
- A Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology
- An Arab Moment of Truth: Which way the Islamist fantasy? By David Pryce-Jones
- What's Wrong With A Palestinian State, By Bret Stephens
- Will Islam Cause WWIII? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- Archaeology with Ron Wyatt: A personal account, by Bernard Brandstater
- Mt. Sinai is not at Jebel El-Lawz in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Is Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Yahweh Inscription Discovered at Mount Sinai! by Gordon Franz
- Problems with Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Brad C. Sparks
- The Red Sea Crossing, analysis by Tom Pickett (linked)
- Did Edom's Original Boundaries Extend West of 'Wadi Arabah? by Bruce Crew
- Excavations at Nisya, Israel, by David Livingstone, PhD, (ABR)
- (MP3 Audio) by Lambert Dolphin--my special thanks to Blue Letter Bible
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