
Luke 12:15 - 21 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Hebrew Alphabet


The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, each with a corresponding number. These letters are also used in gematria, a system of assigning numerical values to words based on the sum of their letters. Below is the list of the Hebrew letters with their corresponding numerical values:

  1. Aleph (א) - 1
  2. Bet (ב) - 2
  3. Gimel (ג) - 3
  4. Daled (ד) - 4
  5. He (ה) - 5
  6. Vav (ו) - 6
  7. Zayin (ז) - 7
  8. Chet (ח) - 8
  9. Tet (ט) - 9
  10. Yod (י) - 10
  11. Kaf (כ) - 20
  12. Lamed (ל) - 30
  13. Mem (מ) - 40
  14. Nun (נ) - 50
  15. Samekh (ס) - 60
  16. Ayin (ע) - 70
  17. Peh (פ) - 80
  18. Tsade (צ) - 90
  19. Qof (ק) - 100
  20. Resh (ר) - 200
  21. Shin (ש) - 300
  22. Tav (ת) - 400

These numerical values are used in various Jewish mystical traditions, particularly in Kabbalah, to interpret deeper meanings in words and texts.

Hebrew LetterNameNumerical Value

The numbers in Hebrew, especially in the context of Gematria (the Jewish numerology system), can have deep symbolic meanings. These meanings are often linked to spiritual or mystical interpretations. Below is a breakdown of the numerical values from 1 to 400 and their associated meanings:

1 - Aleph (א)

Meaning: Oneness, unity, the beginning. Represents God as the one and only. Aleph is often seen as the number of singularity and creation.

2 - Bet (ב)

Meaning: Duality, division, separation. It represents the second element or creation (heaven and earth), as well as family and relationships (such as male and female). It also symbolizes house or home.

3 - Gimel (ג)

Meaning: Balance, harmony. Represents givers and receivers in relationships. It also stands for growth, expansion, and the Trinity.

4 - Daled (ד)

Meaning: Door or entryway. It symbolizes the path to new opportunities and physicality. It can also represent truth and stability.

5 - He (ה)

Meaning: Grace, revelation, and divine breath. It signifies presence and expression. In Kabbalistic thought, it represents God's manifestation.

6 - Vav (ו)

Meaning: Connection, link, or attachment. It often symbolizes completion and perfection when paired with other numbers (such as 3+3, signifying balance).

7 - Zayin (ז)

Meaning: Spiritual perfection, completion. Seven is the number of holiness and is seen as representing the Sabbath or a day of rest, renewal, and sanctity.

8 - Chet (ח)

Meaning: New beginnings, life, and creation. Eight signifies infinity and eternity, often linked to resurrection or transformation.

9 - Tet (ט)

Meaning: Goodness, completeness. Nine represents the end of a cycle and is often related to the final phase of a spiritual or material journey.

10 - Yod (י)

Meaning: Divine energy, hand of God. Represents the completeness of a spiritual idea or principle, as it is seen as the smallest letter of the alphabet, yet incredibly significant in Kabbalistic teachings.

20 - Kaf (כ)

Meaning: Power and ability. It relates to the potential for action and actualization. The letter Kaf resembles an open hand, which reflects the potential to grasp or to act.

30 - Lamed (ל)

Meaning: Learning, teaching, and guidance. Lamed symbolizes growth through wisdom and the process of being taught or raising others. It points toward higher purpose.

40 - Mem (מ)

Meaning: Water, transformation, and nourishment. It is seen as a symbol of the hidden world, of mysteries that are submerged or not yet understood. Forty represents testing, as in the forty days of the flood.

50 - Nun (נ)

Meaning: Faithfulness, growth, and continuity. Nun is seen as representing the soul and life itself, as well as the idea of eternal life and survival.

60 - Samekh (ס)

Meaning: Support and protection. It is associated with security and divine protection, symbolizing the circle or protection of God around His creation.

70 - Ayin (ע)

Meaning: Eyes, perception, and insight. Seventy is connected to vision and the ability to see things clearly, both physically and spiritually. It also reflects spiritual enlightenment.

80 - Pe (פ)

Meaning: Speech, expression, and creativity. Pe is associated with the power of words to create or destroy, highlighting the importance of language and communication in creation.

90 - Tsade (צ)

Meaning: Righteousness, holiness, and justice. It symbolizes the pursuit of justice and spiritual elevation, as well as the idea of blessing and reward for those who are faithful.

100 - Qof (ק)

Meaning: Holiness, seeking the higher truth, and spirituality. One hundred represents the pursuit of spiritual completeness and the return to the divine source.

200 - Resh (ר)

Meaning: Head, beginning, or chief. It signifies the starting point of something, the leader, and can reflect leadership and the initial impulse to create or lead.

300 - Shin (ש)

Meaning: Fire, divine presence, and transformation. It represents the divine flame of wisdom, spiritual purification, and the power of transformation through divine energy.

400 - Tav (ת)

Meaning: Completion, perfection, and truth. Tav is associated with finality and restoration. It represents the end goal of the spiritual journey, a point of completion, and alignment with divine will.

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