
Luke 12:15 - 21 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

First 7 Weeks of Daniel’s 70 Weeks


First 7 Weeks of Daniel’s 70 Weeks

Earth’s Sacred Calendar: The Dated Events of the Old Testament-2nd Edition With KJV Literal Translation


Nehemiah Rebuilding WallFirst Seven Weeks of Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy Begins 4th Day of Rebuilding Jerusalem Wall Until the End of Book of Malachi

Mon. July 21 – Av 7, 455 BC to Wed. October 30 – Heshvan 10, 406 BC

49 Years and 101 Days.  All 15 Events in Daniel, Nehemiah, & Malachi

Daniel 9:25

The first 7 Weeks of Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy Begins on Day #4 of Wall Rebuilding in Jerusalem. This July 21–Av 7 date in 455 BC is Day #4 of the rebuilding of the Wall around Jerusalem and is the start of Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy found in Daniel Chapter 9.  The Author could find no other Bible commentary with an exact date starting in September of 455 BC that matched the 483 years of Daniel’s 70 Weeks ending in the Passover Crucifixion of Jesus in 30 AD. The fourth day of the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Wall marks the start of the first Seven Weeks of Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy. This forty-nine year period covers the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the 70 years of Babylonian Exile are ‘completed’, a total of 71 years (Jeremiah 25:11-12). Four hundred and fifty  years plus ninety days from this date is Sunday, October 20, 5 BC.  This calculated date is marks the birth of Jesus and is exactly 4,096 solar years from Day #7 of Creation in 4,101 BC on the Gregorian-Hebrew solar calendar. According to Scripture and the calculations of this research, there are 4,096 solar years from Creation Week until the birth of Jesus. This July 21–Av 7 date also marks “seventy completed years” (Jeremiah 25:11-12) from the time the Temple starts burning in 526 BC, according to 2 Kings 25:8-9.

Type of Dated Event: DIS BR Calendar Day Number: 278 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Monday, July 21 — Av 7, 455 BC GH: Monday, February 16 — Shevat 27, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556015.75

Nehemiah 6:15
The Jerusalem Wall is Completed in 52 Days

Exactly 480 years from this date in 26 AD, it is calculated that Jesus walks down to the Jordon River and is baptized by John the Baptist. In 26 AD, this Elul 25 date precedes the Wilderness Temptations of Jesus and is 42 days before His 30th birthday in the 15th year of Tiberius.

Type of Dated Event: DIS BR Calendar Day Number: 326 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Sunday, September 8 — Elul 25, 455 BC GH: Sunday, April 4 — Nisan 15, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556063.75

Nehemiah 8:1-12

Ezra Reads The Law From Morning to Midday

This is a very important occasion in the history of Israel. The first day of Tishri is designated as the Feast of Trumpets according to Leviticus 23:23-25. Leviticus makes it clear that this is a Sabbath-rest and no work is to be done. Leviticus 23:32 makes it clear that this day is a Friday since Tishri 10 falls on a Sunday and is the Day of Atonement. This means that two days in a row are to be treated as a Saturday Sabbath. Deuteronomy 31:10-13 requires that there is to be a reading from the Law every seven years. This was the first time since the Exile that this law regarding the Feasts had been followed. The people stood from morning to midday, about three to four hours. During this reading, the Scribes and Levites on the platform explained the meaning of the text.

The footnotes in the MacArthur Study Bible for Nehemiah 8:1, and most commentaries of this type, date this event around 445 BC instead of 455 BC. The reasoning is that Ezra had arrived in Jerusalem thirteen years earlier, in 458 BC, in the seventh year of the reign of King Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:8). This was now the twentieth year of his reign. This is the first mention of Ezra in the Book of Nehemiah.

As previously mentioned in the commentary for Haggai 1:12-15 and Ezra 5:1-2, the mention of the presence of Jeshua in 8:7 raises a serious Bible chronology problem. Is this the same Jeshua who attended the Dedication Ceremony in 520 BC which occurred four years before the Temple was completed according to almost every major Old Testament Study Bible and commentary? The Temple was completed on Adar 3 according to Ezra 6:15 in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius. The year was 516 to 515 BC according to other Bible chronologies. Adar is the month prior to the month of Nisan. On the first day of the month of Nisan, Ezra leaves Babylon and arrives four months later, according to Ezra 7:7-9. It appears from the text that Ezra left the month after the Temple was completed. Current Bible chronology inserts fifty-seven years between the completion of the Temple (515 BC to 516 BC) and the return of Ezra in the year 458 BC. No explanation from Scripture, or any other source, could be found by the author of this research for this insertion of over fifty-seven years into the Biblical text.

Type of Dated Event: DIS BR Calendar Day Number: 331 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Friday, September 13 — Tishri 1, 455 BC GH: Friday, April 9 — Nisan 20, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556068.75

Nehemiah 8:13-14

The Law of Feast of Tabernacles Is Discovered

Type of Dated Event: DIS BR Calendar Day Number: 332 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Saturday, September 14 — Tishri 2, 455 BC GH: Saturday, April 10 — Nisan 21, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556069.75

Nehemiah 8:15-18

Israel Celebrates Feast of Tabernacles Tishri 15-22

This is the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths).

Type of Dated Event: Feast Date BR Calendar Day Number: 345 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Friday, September 27 — Tishri 15, 455 BC GH: Friday, April 23 — Iyar 4, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556082.75

Nehemiah 8:18

A Sacred Assembly Held on Eighth Day of Feast

This is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths).

Type of Dated Event: Feast Date BR Calendar Day Number: 352 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Friday, October 4 — Tishri 22, 455 BC GH: Friday, April 30 — Iyar 11, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556089.75

Nehemiah 9:1-38

The People Confess Their Sin of foreign wives

On this day men also separated from their foreign wives. This had been done thirteen years earlier with Ezra, according to Ezra 10.

Type of Dated Event: DIS BR Calendar Day Number: 354 BR Years from Creation: 3659 BR: Sunday, October 6 — Tishri 24, 455 BC GH: Sunday, May 2 — Iyar 13, 453 BC Julian Day Number: 1556091.75

Nehemiah 5:14

The End of Nehemiah’s Time as Governor

This marks the thirty-second DFC year of Artaxerxes and the end of Nehemiah’s twelve years as Governor.

Type of Dated Event: DFC BR Calendar Day Number: 6 BR Years from Creation: 3672 BR: Tuesday, October 22 — Heshvan 2, 443 BC GH: Tuesday, May 3 — Iyar 14, 441 BC Julian Day Number: 1560475.75

Calculated Date From History and Scripture

The End of the 51 Year Reign of Artaxerxes

The accurate dating of the end of the reign of Artaxerxes is critical to dating the events at the end of the Babylonian Exile and Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy.

Type of Dated Event: Extra-Biblical BR Calendar Day Number: 70 BR Years from Creation: 3691 BR: Wednesday, December 25 — Tevet 6, 424 BC GH: Wednesday, June 13 — Sivan 24, 422 BC Julian Day Number: 1567455.75

Calculated Date From History and Scripture

Darius the Persian Begins Reign

Darius the Persian, also known as Darius Ochus, reigns from the end of January in 423 BC until 404 BC, according to extra-Biblical sources.

Type of Dated Event: Extra-Biblical BR Calendar Day Number: 115 BR Years from Creation: 3691 BR: Saturday, February 10 — Shevat 22, 423 BC GH: Saturday, July 28 — Av 10, 422 BC Julian Day Number: 1567500.75

Nehemiah 12:22

Levite Records Kept During Reign Darius the Persian

During the Reign of Darius the Persian, the last records of the priests were kept. The Persian Empire seems to have gone into decline as a world power after this period in history.

Type of Dated Event: Extra-Biblical BR Calendar Day Number: 115 BR Years from Creation: 3691 BR: Saturday, February 10 — Shevat 22, 423 BC GH: Saturday, July 28 — Av 10, 422 BC Julian Day Number: 1567500.75

Daniel 9:25

End First Seven Weeks of Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy

The restoration of Jerusalem is completed 49 years and ten days after completing the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Wall under Nehemiah’s leadership (5-year rule date-Chap. 12).

Type of Dated Event: PCD BR Calendar Day Number: 288 BR Years from Creation: 3708 BR: Thursday, August 1 — Av 17, 406 BC GH: Thursday, December 26 — Tevet 6, 405 BC Julian Day Number: 1573861.75

Daniel 9:25

The Restoration of Jerusalem After the Exile

The completion of the restoration of Jerusalem marks the end of the first “seven weeks” of Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy. Four hundred years later, close to this date in 6 BC, Zacharias would be told by an Angel that his barren wife would bear a son. Elizabeth, the wife of Zacharias, would soon conceive John the Baptist as recorded in Luke 1:24.

Type of Dated Event: PCD BR Calendar Day Number: 288 BR Years from Creation: 3708 BR: Thursday, August 1 — Av 17, 406 BC GH: Thursday, December 26 — Tevet 6, 405 BC Julian Day Number: 1573861.75

Malachi 4:5-6

End of the Old Testament

The estimated DFC date of the end of the Old Testament is exactly 2,052 years after Noah’s family enters the Ark on Wednesday, October 30−Heshvan 10 in 2458 BC. This is an estimated DFC date for the end of events recorded in the Book of Malachi. Malachi tells about a Prophet like Elijah who would announce the Messiah’s arrival. This messenger would be John the Baptist. CD#14 is the DFC and EDFC date for events between 406 BC and 402 BC. From this point in history, the Old Testament goes silent.

Type of Dated Event: DFC BR Calendar Day Number: 14 BR Years from Creation: 3709 BR: Wednesday, October 30 — Heshvan 10, 406 BC GH: Wednesday, March 26 — Nisan 4, 404 BC Julian Day Number: 1573951.75

Calculated Date From History and Scripture

Darius the Persian Ends Reign

This is an estimated date for the end of Darius the Persian’s reign. The end of his reign is given in history but is not stated in Scripture. This last Heshvan 10 date in 404 BC is the last DFC date in the Old Testament. On this same date in 2458 BC, Noah’s family entered the Ark on the first specific date given in Biblical history. See Genesis 7:1-16. CD#14 is the DFC and EDFC date for events happening between 406 BC and 402 BC.

Type of Dated Event: DFC BR Calendar Day Number: 14 BR Years from Creation: 3711 BR: Wednesday, October 30 — Heshvan 10, 404 BC GH: Wednesday, March 24 — Nisan 2, 402 BC Julian Day Number: 1574679.75

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