
Luke 12:15 - 21 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

7 Days of Creation Week


7 Days of Creation Week

Overview of
the “Beginning” of the 7 Days of Creation
“the first day” —  Genesis 1:1-5

7 Days of Creation Week

        The “Beginning” of the 7 Days of Creation is Saturday October 20, 4101 BC at 6:00 PM on a Gregorian solar calendar in what is now called Israel. The “Beginning” of the 7 Days of Creation Week begins and is tracked on two calendars that start on the same day. While I cannot say with any authority that this is the precise and exact moment that Creation began, I can say that this date in Time is the correct synchronization date of the 364-Day calendar consistent with Scripture and the currently used Gregorian solar calendar.  According to the current Gregorian desktop calendar and the numbered dates in Scripture, this is the best current estimate of the moment that Time began as it is anchored into Eternity. Earth’ calendar officially begins on “the fourth day” when the sun and moon are created according to Genesis 1:14-19. From this precise moment in measured time, Mankind can measure Time on a calendar that measures the sequence of 24-hour days in Earth’s history using the Julian Day Number which is the basis for all computer generated solar calendar converters in use today.

Sacred Calendar 7 Days of Creation Week

      To put this on a global perspective, when it is 6:00 PM in what is now called Israel; it is 3:00 AM on the International Date Line. The last 6 hours of Saturday on a solar calendar are the first 6 hours of Sunday on a Hebrew calendar. The 364-Day calendar and Gregorian-Hebrew calendar start on the same day at the same time of the day. At 6:00 PM it becomes Sunday October 13 on the 364-Day Hebrew calendar and the start of Day 1 of Creation. Day 1 begins with the first sunset (“evening”), of the Seven Days of Creation Week, followed by the first sunrise (“morning”) which completes the definition of a normal 24-hour day.

        The 7 Days of Creation are completed when Adam and Eve are created full-grown on Saturday October 19, the 6th Day of Creation. God rests on the 7th Day of Creation which is Sunday October 20, 4115 BC. This same day and date on the 364-Day calendar in the year 5 BC would be the calculated date in history on which Jesus ‘The Christ’ is born. Mainly due to the fact that there are approximately 1.25 days difference in the length of a year in the two calendars, the 364-Day calendar and the Gregorian calendar start 14 years and 8 days apart. On the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar, the date for Day 7 of Creation is Sunday October 28, 4101 BC.

The 7 Days of Creation Week run parallel to Easter Week when the calendar at the time of Creation and the 6-month adjusted calendar at the time of the Exodus are placed side-by-side (Exodus 12:1-3). The 7 Days of Creation Week have no corresponding days on the current Hebrew Secular calendar. On the 364-Day calendar the days of Creation Week occur between the end of the first month of Tishri and and the beginning of the second month of Heshvan at the time of Creation.

Text from Earth’s Sacred Calendar:
The Dated Events of the Old Testament


The Sacred Calendar dated events image

“The Beginning”
Seven Days of Creation Week
Sunday October 13 – Creation Day 1, 4115 BC
To Saturday October 19 – Creation Day 7, 4115 BC
Seven 24-Hour Days
9 Events: Genesis Chapters 1 & 2

Genesis 1:1-2

Creation Week Begins-”the beginning”

The 7 Days of Creation Week starts on Saturday, 6 p.m. on a solar calendar, and is “the beginning” start of Sunday, Creation Day 1 on the 364-Day Hebrew calendar consistent with the Biblical text. This 364-Day Bible Reference (BR) calendar seems to digitally generate the main solar calendars used today. This opening verse of Scripture states that God begins the act of Creation by creating the space needed for the universe and matter in the form of the earth. When it is 6 p.m. in what is now known as Israel, it is 3 a.m. on the International Date Line of the same day. It is important to understand that a 24-hour Hebrew calendar day starts at 6 p.m. of the day prior to a normal solar calendar day that starts at midnight. On the Gregorian solar calendar, generated by the 364-Day calendar, the start time of Creation Week, from what is now known as Jerusalem, is 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 20 in 4101 BC. It is from this moment in time that the events of Scripture can be measured on the solar calendars and clocks currently in use. The Julian Day Number, given on this date on the solar calendar, is the last quarter of Saturday at 6 p.m. This moment in time starts the beginning of Sunday, Creation Day 1 on the Hebrew calendar consistent with the dated events of Scripture. All future Julian Day Numbers represent the day number at the start of the Hebrew day at 6 p.m. This is the moment time begins. From this point on, a segment of eternity can be measured on a calendar in days, weeks, months and years.

Type of Dated Event: “the beginning”
BR Calendar Day Number: 361
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Sunday, October 13 — Creation Day 1, 4115 BC   Start
GH: Saturday, October 20 — ‘Beginning’, 6:00 p.m., 4101 BC :  Start of Sunday Hebrew Calendar
Julian Day Number: 223858

Genesis 1:1-5

Creation Day 1

Time intersects and anchors into eternity as time begins the events of Creation Day 1. On this “first day”, the heavens, earth, time, light and energy are created. Time begins as God starts the act of Creation by creating a great deal of space. Into this large amount of space, God creates a large amount of formless and seemingly non-energized matter called earth. This monumental event of Creation Week, which is both incomprehensible and unexplainable, is described with very few words in Genesis 1:1-2: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters”. This seemingly effortless action taken by God is followed by his first recorded command in Genesis 1:3: “Let there be light; and there was light.”

Many commentaries on this verse emphasize the theory that God simply turns on the light in a vast expanse of darkness during this part of the Creation process. We can easily miss the significance of this event if we assume that God was working in the dark prior to this moment. This verse in Genesis is describing a much more significant act of Creation that is easily missed by the economy of words in the text. The light that we see as humans is only one of more than seventy-five octaves of known forms of light. The entire electromagnetic spectrum of light is infused as energy into all matter and seemingly empty space. Science claims that even in empty space, that contains no molecules of matter, there is a tremendous amount of energy. This “light” is the glue that gives shape and motion to the chemical elements that make up space and matter. At the moment “light” is created in history, all matter and space is energized and begins to move in measurable speed and time.

History begins with the creation of time, space, matter and energy expressed as light. In Genesis 1:3, God starts and continually sustains the constantly moving and energized universe. Time and history begin with the simple declaration of His Word, “Let there be light”; and there was light”. The Julian Day Number given on this date is at the start of Monday at 6 p.m. All future Julian Day Numbers, ending digitally with 0.00, represent the day number at the start of the Solar calendar. This solar day starts six hours earlier at 6 p.m. This Timeline research will show that the 364-Day calendar, consistent with Scripture, digitally starts on this day and generates the solar calendars used on earth today.

Type of Dated Event: Day#1 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 361
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Sunday, October 13 — Creation Day 1, 4115 BC
GH: Sunday, October 21 — Tishri 31, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223859

Genesis 1:6-8

Creation Day 2

Space and matter are separated on Creation Day 2. Day 2 of Creation Week is another day of separation and order. On this day, the earth that is covered in water is separated by a space called the “firmament” which God calls “Heaven” in Verse 1:8 of the Book of Genesis. This “firmament” is the sky and space above that we see when we look up from the earth. In this atmosphere wrapped around the earth, in this space called heaven, there is also a great amount of water in the form of thick clouds which some refer to as a canopy of water vapor around the earth. The exact nature of this water area above the area called firmament or heaven cannot be precisely known as it has apparently changed since the time of Noah’s Flood according to 2 Peter 3:5-6 (See footnotes in MacArthur Study Bible). 

The cataclysmic events of The Flood, which changed earth’s atmosphere and landscape, are forgotten in the “scientific” theory of uniformitarianism. This theory claims that the principles that govern nature and the earth have always operated in the same way and will continue into the future. In Scripture, the first heaven is what we would call our atmosphere and is what is created on Creation Day 2. The second heaven in Scripture is created on Creation Day 4 when God makes the sun, moon, stars, and everything we refer to as the universe beyond our atmosphere. The third heaven of Scripture is what we normally refer to as the place where God is seen and the dwelling place of the saints. This third heaven is referred to by Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:2.

Type of Dated Event: Day#2 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 362
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Monday, October 14 — Creation Day 2, 4115 BC
GH: Monday, October 22 — Heshvan 1, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223860

Genesis 1:9-13

Creation Day 3

The first plant life forms are made on Creation Day 3. On this third day of Creation, God makes His last main separation by dividing the water from the land. The day starts with an earth covered by water. The day ends with the water gathered in one place and the appearance of dry land. The description in Chapter 1 of Genesis seems to imply, that at the end of this third day of Creation, there is one piece of land that is surrounded by one body of water. This appears to be consistent with what is seen by looking at a current globe of the earth. The current continents appear to have once been one piece that was broken up like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle at the time of Noah’s Flood. God simply speaks and the waters separate and the land appears. “God called the dry land earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called seas”. 

The earth that was once “without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep”, described in Genesis 1:2, now has the shapes formed by earth (land) and sea that can be seen due to the presence of visible light and other forms of energy. The land and the water are now both divided shapes of matter that can be filled with all forms of life “according to its kind”. God spoke again and “the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seeds according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind”, according to Genesis 1:12. All plant life was fully grown and able to reproduce itself. The fruit, seeds and plants would also produce food for the animal life that would be created on days Five and Six of Creation Week. We can reasonably assume that there was also plant life in the seas as well as the land. Even though the sun would not be created until the next day, the process of photosynthesis in plants that produces oxygen for water and land animals would have started due to the presence of the light that was created on Creation Day 1 of Creation Week.

Type of Dated Event: Day#3 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 363
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Tuesday, October 15 — Creation Day 3, 4115 BC
GH: Tuesday, October 23 — Heshvan 2, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223861

Genesis 1:14-19

Creation Day 4

Creation Day 4 becomes the completion and fulfillment of Creation Day 1. On Creation Day 1 the separation between darkness and light is created by the creation of light. On the fourth day, the light created on Creation Day 1 is attached to or reflected by the heavenly bodies such as stars, moons, planets, comets and our sun. Genesis 1:14 states, the “lights in the firmament” begin functioning as transmitters of light. On the fourth day of Creation, God attaches the light He has made on the first day of Creation to the different “heavenly bodies”. This totally removes the argument for an old earth because some stars are four million light years away. The argument claims that we are seeing the light that left such stars four million years ago. What we are seeing is the light that left such stars about 6,113 solar years ago, when the universe was created. God created the stars and the light between them and earth at the same time. The sun and stars appear to produce their own light as they burn matter. Planets and moons reflect light from stars. Science claims that the sun appears to be made up of 98% helium and hydrogen. Science is unable to explain the process by which the sun burns many thousands of tons of this matter every second. It has been known for many years that the sun is shrinking in diameter at a rate of about five feet in diameter per day. One scientist has estimated that if the sun were 50,000 years old, the oceans on earth would have boiled unless the sun was a much greater distance away. Several scientists have concluded that based on the speed of the shrinking sun, it seems impossible that the sun and earth could be older than about 7,000 years. This fact and other scientific findings, like the measured decline of earth’s magnetic field since 1830, show that the earth cannot be more than 10,000 years based on our knowledge of certain scientific realities of physics. The reader is encouraged to do their own research of the facts in order to properly discern scientific fact from fictional evolutionary theory that is not based on true scientific investigation.

Type of Dated Event: Day#4 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 364
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Wednesday, October 16 — Creation Day 4, 4115 BC
GH: Wednesday, October 24 — Heshvan 3, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223862

Genesis 1:20-23

Creation Day 5

On Creation Day 5, God speaks swarms of living creatures into the sea and fills the expanse above the earth with birds. Creation Day 5 is the first day of conscious life forms. On Creation Day 3, plants were made that were living things but without consciousness or the ability to independently move freely. According to Genesis 1:22, God commands all living creatures in the sea and air (heavens) to: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth”.  The same command is given to all the animals on land and to Adam and Eve on the sixth day of Creation Week. 

On the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar (GH), the corresponding date for the fifth day of Creation Week is Friday, October 26–Heshvan 5, 4101 BC (GH). The ability to reproduce according to its own kind in obedience to God’s command is only possible because each species has its own DNA coding. On days three, five, and six, the phrase “according to its kind” is used a total of ten times in Genesis 1:11-25. On Day 3 it is very clear that grass, herbs and fruit trees produce other plants with the same genetic coding. Grasses do not become fruit trees. There is no evolutionary process of one species becoming another.

There is no mention in Scripture of simple life forms evolving upwards to form more complex living organisms. Like the other days of Creation Week, God simply speaks His Word and an uncountable number of living creatures fill the sea and the air. All creatures are created full grown with their own unique genetic coding completely formed. According to Genesis 1:20-21, this all happened on the fifth day when God says; “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens”.  So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good”.

It is very clear from Scripture that birds do not evolve from reptiles as is commonly touted by some evolutionary scientists. While there may be variation and change within a species after creation, such as different kinds of dogs, this has absolutely nothing to do with the instantaneous creation of all the different species of birds and water creatures in one 24-hour period. Science, with its vast amount of information, has absolutely no way of explaining or contributing to our understanding of how the incredible events of Creation Week happened. Evolutionary explanations defy every form of rational process and known true science. There are two main reasons that science has difficulty explaining Evolution. Evolution is biologically impossible and there is no scientific evidence for it simply because it never happened.

Type of Dated Event: Day#5 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 1
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Thursday, October 17 — Creation Day 5, 4115 BC
GH: Thursday, October 25 — Heshvan 4, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223863

Genesis 1:24-31, 2:7-25

Creation Day 6

According to Genesis 1:24-25, God begins the sixth day of Creation Week by creating all land-based creatures “according to its kind”. The land animals are divided into “cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth”. Cattle would probably include all four-legged domestic animals. The beasts of the earth would refer to all other land-based animals including the dinosaurs. Creeping things would refer to all forms of animals that walk on the earth, including all forms of insects that fly or move in some manner on the ground. Creation Day 6 is finished with the creation of Adam and Eve.

With reference to Adam and Eve, Scripture does not use the phrase “according to its kind”. Instead Genesis 1:26-28 states, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth’. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth”. It is very clear that God created Adam and Eve to be the only animal in creation that can reproduce offspring that will be “in the image of God”. Adam and Eve were the first and only man and woman created fully mature. Adam and Eve were created by God on Saturday, October 19–Creation Day 6 of Creation Week in 4115 BC.

Type of Dated Event: Day#6 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 2
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Friday, October 18 — Creation Day 6, 4115 BC
GH: Friday, October 26 — Heshvan 5, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223864

Genesis 1:24-31, 2:7-25, 5:1-5; Luke 3:38

Creation Day 6-Creation of Adam

Adam was created on Creation Day 6 of Creation Week and lived 930 years and 183 days using DFC dating. Adam is the father of Seth and male ancestor of all human beings. Like the other parts of the created order, Adam and Eve are blessed by God and instructed to: “Be fruitful and multiply” and “fill the earth”. Adam and Eve are also instructed to subdue the earth and have dominion over all of God’s Creation. As previously stated, the phrase, “according to its kind” is applied to all the birds, fish, and land animals, but not Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are the only part of Creation made in “His own image; in the image of God He created them”.

Type of Dated Event: Day#6 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 2
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Friday, October 18 — Creation Day 6, 4115 BC
GH: Friday, October 26 — Heshvan 5, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223864

Genesis 2:18-25

Creation Day 6-Creation of Eve

Eve is created on Creation Day 6 of Creation Week to be a “helper” for Adam. Eve is the mother of Seth and female ancestor of all human beings.

Type of Dated Event: Day#6 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 2
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Friday, October 18 — Creation Day 6, 4115 BC
GH: Friday, October 26 — Heshvan 5, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223864

Genesis 2:1-6

God Blessed the Seventh Day

Genesis 2:1-3 says, “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made”. Creation Day 7 is certainly a day that has been set apart from the other six days of Creation Week. Creation Day 7 is the day that God “sanctified” and “rested” from His Creation. God rested because His Creation was complete and perfect. Genesis 1:31 states, “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good”. God had created everything and it was perfect. 

Since sin had not entered the Creation equation at this point in time, there was no death, dying, decay, or disease. Before the Fall into sin by Adam and Eve, described in Genesis 3:1-21, there was no rain, tornadoes, earthquakes, bad weather or weeds. Man did not have to work hard just to survive. Any plant food that was needed was readily available in some form of seed, fruit or vegetable for all of God’s creatures, including Man. There was a great abundance and diversity of types of food. Killing another animal to eat was not necessary. God ceased from all His creative work because nothing else needed to be created or finished. No animals had to be killed to be eaten since all land creatures were vegetarian, including Man.

The significance of Creation Day 7 is given more commentary by Moses during the Exodus. Jesus gives more insight into the purpose of the Sabbath and the inappropriate idolization of Creation Day 7 among the spiritually blind Jewish leaders in His teachings in the New Testament.

Type of Dated Event: Day#7 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 3
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Saturday, October 19 — Creation Day 7, 4115 BC
GH: Saturday, October 27 — Heshvan 6, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223865

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