
Luke 12:15 - 21 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Conspiracy World


Conspiracy World—A Truthteller’s Compendium of Eye–Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge by Texe Marrs 

Table of Contents 

Introduction: Welcome to Conspiracy World 

Illuminati, Global Conspiracy, and Secret Societies 

Revolution of Blood Rockefeller Money, the Illuminati, and the Breeding of the New “Super Man” Money, Alchemy, and Betrayal Pigs in the Parlor The Pigs Are Still in the Parlor Naked Man on a White Horse The Order of Skull and Bones Black Pharaoh: Barack Obama Baal’s Shaft and Cleopatra’s Needle The Illuminati Are Obsessed With Sex The Illuminati Build Tower of Infamy Devil Companies, Devil Products, Devil Logos? Where the Rich and Famous Dwell Codex Magica Satan’s “El Diablo” Hand Sign Sinister Illuminati Signs and Symbols Millennium Shocker!—Illuminati Black Mass Set For Great Pyramid Massive Golden Pyramid for Elvis The Sun at Midnight Mysterious Monuments Architectural Colossus Face to Face With the Devil 

Government Coverups and Big Brother Police State 

 Federal Gestapo Shamelessly Targets Good Americans The Man of Sin Human Slavery in the Technetronics Age The Foreigners In Our Midst The Murder of America Project L.U.C.I.D. is Here! Are Labor Unions Selling Out? Project L.U.C.I.D. Thunders Ahead Gorbachev Picked to Lead International Green Cross Occult Theocracy Of Presidents, Prisoners of War, and Beasts Mysterious Deaths Leave Unanswered Questions Blood Money and the Making of Human Cyberslaves The Bizarre Deaths of the Waco Branch Davidians Oklahoma City: Things Just Don’t Add Up Surviving Mother Told to “Shut Up!” Two Bomb Explosions The Coming Merger of the United States and Russia United Nations “Peacekeepers” Raise Hell The Treaty From Hell Our National Parks Now Belong to the United Nations White House Bordello 

Masonic Lodge and Freemasonry 

 The Masonic Plan for America God’s Plan In America A “Gentler and Kinder” World—According to Freemasonry The Golden Serpents of Freemasonry Freemasonry Wages War Against the Truth John Quincy Adams and Freemasonry Masons at the U.S. Capitol The Pope, the Devil, and the Masonic Lodge The Trail of Two Serpents Freemasonry Unmasked in the Vatican Two on a Saddle Two on a Saddle (Part II) Masonic Jews Plot to Control World 

UFOs, Aliens, Extraterrestrials, and Space 

 Project Abaddon Leviathan in Space Planet X “The Eagle Has Landed” 

The Pope, Catholicism, and the Vatican 

 Vatican Rising! Heaven’s Fury, or Hell’s Presence? AA: The Jesuit Connection Mother Mary Warns: “Lucifer Controls the Vatican!” Apostate Israelites Worship the Queen of Heaven Pope Approves Voodoo and Other False Religions 

Bible Prophecy 

 The World’s Greatest Positive Thinker No King But King Jesus Bible Prophecies Foretell Use of Laser Death Rays and Nuclear Weapons The World is More Queer Than Most People Think Hidden Prophecies in the Book of Esther Gog, Magog, and the Scroll of Bush 

Deceptive Cults and Unholy Religions 

 Is Satan “god” of This World? How the Illuminati Secretly Funds Christian Heresy Beware of the “Bible Code” UFO Cults Multiply in End–Time Mormon Temples of the Dead Mormon Author Declares That Jesus Was a Polygamist With Many Wifes and Children “Jesus” and His Sex Manual 

The King James Bible vs. The New Versions 

 Why New Bible Versions Are Dangerously Inaccurate Mark of the Devil Discovered? Co–Founder of New Bible Version Repents Satan’s New Age Goal of a One World Bible New Versions Remove Biblical Word “Virgin” Is the NIV Bible the Queer Version? 

False Teachers, Apostasy, and the Seduction of Christianity 

 Rise of the Universally “Loved” New Jesus Chuck Colson’s Historic Secret Mission: Undo the Protestant Reformation “Christian” Leaders Promote New Age’s Earth Day Global Explosion of Religious Apostasy Gone Berserk? God Punishes Evildoers Christianity Afflicted With Doctrines of Devils Billy Graham Says “Pagans Saved Through Nature” Billy Graham Says, “Save the Earth, Not Babies!” Billy Graham is a Great Deceiver Witchcraft Invades Christianity The Scandal of Christian Ghostwriting The Scandal of Christian Ghostwriting—An Update Slumbering Dogs, Greedy Dogs TBN’s Paul Crouch Pays Homosexual Lover $425,000 Hush Money The Curse of the Illuminati? The Christian Establishment—Greedy, Ignorant, Apostate Smooth Tongues for a Rough Beast Tower of Infamy Churches and Pastors Gone Wild! The Blind and The Dead Billy Graham and Al Gore Team Up to Save the Earth 

Alchemy, Mind Control, and Black Science 

 Mind Control and the Processing of Humanity Satanism, Sex Crimes, and Consequences The Deluded, Mind–Sapped Masses The Mysterious Riddle of Chandra Levy The World Cup Conspiracy Twenty New World Cup Stadiums The World Cup Conspiracy (Part 2) Nanotransistors Readied for Humans High Tech Magic of World Cup—Conspiracy to Produce Image of the Beast? Contrived Shortages and the New Reality 

Genocide, Depopulation of the Earth, and Environmental Extremism 

 A Sea of Blood Long Night of the Black Marias Jewish Killers Massacre 66 Million in Soviet Gulag He That Killed With The Sword Must Be Killed With The Sword The Report From Iron Mountain “Destroy Them Which Destroy the Earth” Deadly Vaccines of the New World Order Concentration Camps in America Hunger, Thirst, and Concentration Camps Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos Questions Answered in Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos The Coming Great Thirst 

 About Texe Marrs 

 More Resources For You


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